Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A beautiful wedding at High Country Orchard (and some random thoughts)- Amanda & Sam {Spokane Wedding Photographer}

While I was shooting Sam and Amanda's beautiful wedding I had a thought. I started thinking that if people knew what it is like to be a wedding photographer EVERYBODY would want to be one. I get to see two people who are in love share one of the happiest days of their lives with their family and friends who love them and are there to support them. I get to share in unique and special traditions and rituals that make me want to get married (to my husband!) all over again (and have a week long event to incorporate all the the different ideas I've seen and loved!) I get to party and eat yummy food. I get to meet so many interesting and amazing people.
Why isn't everybody a wedding photographer???? Maybe it's the fact that you won't have a single free weekend in the summer (or even most of the year!) Maybe it's the fact that you'll be standing up and carrying some pretty heavy equipment for 12 hours straight. Maybe it's the fact that they are scared of the huge responsibility of knowing that if you miss a shot, it's gone forever. Maybe they don't want to spend their every minute editing thousands of images. Maybe they just don't know how fun it is. How emotional it is. Like I said in the previous post, I cry. Every time. Don't be like me.
And it was in the middle of Sam and Amanda's beautiful celebration that all of those thoughts came to me. Probably some time between the pagan hand fasting ritual during the ceremony and the absolutely scrumptious cake balls made with so much love by the bride and the groom themselves. Yep. That was probably when I had those thoughts. Or maybe it was when Sam looked at Amanda like only a man in love could. Or when their ADORABLE nieces were smiling. Or maybe... I'm telling you. Don't be like me.
The bride was beautiful. The venue was perfect (as usual, thanks High Country Orchard!). There was happiness all around and I was a witness to all that. I guess if you want to be a little bit like me, I won't blame you.

Thanks Amanda and Sam for sharing your day with me! (and inspiring all the crazy thoughts above mentioned!) Have a beautiful life together!

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